Trial on the Road

Trial on the Road Russian , translit.Proverka na Dorogakh is a 1971 Soviet film set in World War II, directed by Aleksey German, starring Rolan Bykov, Anatoly Solonitsyn and Vladimir Zamansky. It is also known as Checkpoint or Check up on the Road.

The Trial on the Road film was shot in 1971, but was banned foryears. It was shelved presumably for the films theme, sympathy to a traitor, or collaborator with Nazi forces, but who becomes a hero in fighting against Nazis on the Soviets side. This antiheroic depiction of Soviet history, shows that distinctions like traitor and hero cease to have a any real meaning according to Alexei Germans humane portrait of wartime. The film was rereleased in 1986, during perestroika in the Soviet Union.

Source: Wikipedia